Structuring your repository

There are four main considerations when building your repository. First, you need to consider the structure of the package itself. Second, the location of your tests. Third, the location of the source files for your documentation. Fourth and last, the location of any examples you provide to your users.

Structure of a python package

There are many tutorials online about the structuring of Python packages. You know, directories with *.py files and an file, which tells Python that the directory itself is a module. I won’t reinvent the wheel here; just Google “structure of a Python package” to read more about that.

An interesting note is the difference between the structure of a package and it’s architecture. In other words, what is the logic behind which functions go where? DO you put classes in one module? Functions in another? Do you have a utils folder for basic underlying functionality? I don’t know if is a good answer to this question. It’s up to you.

Where to put tests

The recommended practice for pytest is here. There are two possible places to put your test files so that pytest can find them. I prefer placing my tests in a separate directory away from the code.

Where to put documentation

The general rule of thumb is to have a top-level directory called doc or docs. If you run sphinx-quickstart to initialize your sphinx documentation, you will run it from the top level of your repository and it will create this folder for you.

Within your docs folder, there will be your sphinx configuration file, the makefiles for converting your source text files into html or a LaTeX pdf, and a directory with the source files for your documentation, usually called source. If you have generated the sphinx html files locally, there will also be a directory with the build files, often called build.

Where to put examples

There is no recommended practice for where to store examples or demos for your code. I like to have a separate folder called examples. Then I can run pytest on that directory and make sure that my examples all work every time I update the master branch.