Source code for calcs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Calculations with airfoils

[docs]def get_lift(air_df, wsp, rho=1.225): """Determine the lift of an airfoil Parameters ----------- air_df : pd.Dataframe Pandas Dataframe containing x- and y-coordinates of airfoil data. wsp : int, float Velocity of air.. rho : int, float Density of air. """ c_l = 0.2 # life coefficeint, this is made-up area = (air_df.x.max() - air_df.x.min()) * \ (air_df.y.max() - air_df.y.min()) # also made up lift_force = 0.5 * c_l * rho * wsp**2 * area # equation for lift force return lift_force